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Mary Mathews
Deployment Readiness Coordinator
Office: 910-451-3822 
Cell: 910-382-3015

On behalf of the Commanding Officer, welcome to the Headquarters Battery (HQ), 10th Marine Regiment family. The purpose of Family Readiness is to assist Marines, Sailors, and families in establishing and maintaining a balance within the military lifestyle. Military life is unique to all other lifestyles and requires specific support efforts in order to thrive. The Deployment Readiness Coordinator's (DRC) (formerly known as the Family Readiness Officer (FRO) job is to be the face of the Commander's vision for Family Readiness within the unit and provide support to each Marine and Sailor, (single or married) and to his or her family through proactive outreach and intervention in the form of the following functions: Official Communication; Information and Referral; Readiness and Deployment Support (RDS); Family Outreach; and Volunteer Management. By increasing personal and family readiness, we increase unit readiness. There is a real sense of gravity and urgency involved in requiring each Marine and Sailor to establish and sustain themselves and their family members in a constant state of readiness. HQ's Family Readiness Team is here to help you do just that!

“Marines take care of their own – period. This enduring pledge between Marines is never more sacred than during time of war. Just as every Marine makes a commitment to the Corps when they earn the title Marine, the Corps makes an enduring commitment to every Marine – and an enduring commitment to their family.” James T. Conway USMC Ret, 34th Commandant of the Marine Corps

The Family Readiness Program (FRP) is a Commander’s program that provides support to individual service members (single or married) and their families. The goal of the 10th Marines FRP is to help our Marines and Sailors focus on their mission knowing that their families are well-supported and informed in their absence. Marines, Sailors and families can depend on the FRP to pass on important information and serve as a support and feedback system for families in the unit. In addition, they can count on the FRP to offer:

• Information from the command through official communication email via MOL and/or email updates.
• Information and referrals to base and local resources.
• Deployment readiness training, resources, support and guidance.
• Volunteer opportunities for unit family members.
• Morale Support and family readiness events

All approved family readiness contacts. Each Marine/Sailor may authorize up to four (4) family readiness contacts. This includes spouses, parents, grandparents, siblings, children (over 18), and family friends.  If you have questions about your authorized contacts, speak with your DRC.

No matter how much or little time you can give, your contribution and involvement in the FRP is valuable.  All are welcome and everyone is encouraged to participate.  You can choose to be involved in different ways. Our Family Readiness Team includes the following types of volunteers:

Family Readiness Advisors are individuals who work on the Family Readiness Command Team (FRCT) to provide feedback and suggestions to the DRC and Command Team. FR Advisors are leaders on the FRCT who help shape our program. A Family Readiness Advisor embodies the Commander’s goals and intents and helps ensure that all unit members have a “voice”. Advisors are appointed by the Commander and must complete the Family Readiness Training & Command Team Member training via Marine Corps Family Team Building.

These individuals work closely in support of the Family Readiness Command Team and the DRC by helping to execute the Commander’s intent with regard to the unit Family Readiness Program. These volunteers are appointed by the Commander and must complete the Family Readiness Training via Marine Corps Family Team Building

These are individuals who volunteer in a short-term capacity.  (Examples would be; to participate and help at specific events, helping with a unit newsletter, behind the scenes work from home). These volunteers can assist with the planning, coordination and execution of events. This is a non-appointed position and there are no training required for this position.

For more information regarding HQ's Family Readiness Program, please contact our Deployment Readiness Coordinator (DRC), Mary Mathews at 910 451-3822 or

  • What are the applicable statutes/regulations?   
    The right of all Marine Corps members to directly communicate grievances to, or seek assistance from, their Commanding Officer(s) is established in U.S. Navy Regulations (Articles 0820c and 1151.1) and the Marine Corps Manual (par 805).  This right is exercised through the formal process of Request Mast. 

    What is Request Mast?   
    Request Mast includes both the right of the member to personally talk to the Commanding Officer, normally in person, and the requirement that the Commanding Officer consider the matter and personally respond to the member requesting mast. 

    Request Mast provides a member the opportunity to communicate not only with his or her immediate Commanding Officer, but also with any superior Commanding Officer in the chain of command up to and including the member's immediate Commanding General.  Request Mast also provides Commanding Officers with firsthand knowledge of the morale and general welfare of the command. 

    Who can request mast?  
    All Marine Corps members should first make every effort to address offending behavior directly with the party responsible, verbally or in writing.  You can also discuss the matter with your immediate supervisor and request assistance.  If you are unable to resolve the issue informally, you have the right to Request Mast. 

    Can a Commanding Officer deny a Request Mast application?   
    A Commanding Officer may deny a Request Mast application if there is another specific avenue of redress available to the member.  The Commanding Officer should explain to the member why he/she denied the Request Mast application and, if appropriate, explain the procedure the member should follow to resolve the issue. 

    The Commanding Officer may also require the member to go through the Chain of Command prior to approving Mast.

    What are some issues that are not appropriate for Request Mast?  
    Generally, a military member can speak to their Commanding Officer about any subject; however, the member cannot use Request Mast for the following reasons:

    • Request Mast should not be used as a means of attacking the proceedings, punishment, or findings and sentence resulting from a disciplinary action brought under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). 
    • Request Mast may not be used to harass, avoid duty, or intentionally interfere with the Commanding Officer's ability to carry out the functions and mission of the command.
    • Request Mast cannot be used if the member is being processed for involuntary separation or if the subject of the complaint is an ongoing Article 138, UCMJ, or Article 1150, Navy Regulations.

    How do I submit a Request Mast application? 
    Complete the application form (NAVMC 11296) and submit it through the chain of command to the Commanding Officer.  Ask your legal office for assistance in obtaining a copy of the form.

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